Unlocking the “Value of Knowledge” for all New Zealanders.


Te Puna Foundation is the fundraising body for the National Library of New Zealand.

With your support we can help preserve and share New Zealand's unique stories, knowledge and taonga, and make it accessible to all. 

Apply for the He Tohu Travel Fund for Schools.

Find out more about how your school can benefit from our He Tohu travel fund.

Opportunities to show your support.

Show your support by donating to our He Tohu Travel Fund, sponsoring a ‘seat of knowledge’ or donating to our general fund.

Become a Patron of the Te Puna Foundation.

Have a passion for knowledge? Join our valued group of loyal annual donors to help preserve the nations memory.


Corporate support

Become a Corporate Patron with an annual gift or sponsor
an event.


Leave a legacy

Support Te Puna Foundation with a planned gift.

Our Supporters

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